
Digitization & Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 – Agile Project Management

Project Management in a Dynamic Environment

(Future) Project Managers, Project Managers, Team Leaders, Multi-Project Managers, Product Managers, Scrum Team Members (Scrum Master, Product Owner), Developers, Business Analysts and Project Staff

The limits of traditional project management has come to end. Digitalization and Industry 4.0 have changed our working world enormously. Therefore, project managers increasingly need know-how, approaches and methods for successful management of increasing complexity. Agile Project Management is an answer to ever-changing conditions. Agile method frameworks such as Scrum have long since left their original field of application, software development. The management and control of agile projects is dynamic and flexible. This is important in order to be able to react quickly to changes in requirements.

Advantages of agile PM are proximity to the customer, gradual implementation and flexibility. The agile approach makes use of different methods that rely on communication, flexibility and adaptation.

Your Benefit

Agile project management can help to react quickly, flexibly and efficiently to changing customer and market requirements and to work in-time, in-budget and in-quality. In this practical oriented workshop, you will learn how to combine traditional and agile methods to plan, monitor, and manage projects. Familiarize yourself with everything that makes up a Scrum Team and its agile work. You will get to know all important parts of the agile approach. At the end you have the decisive overview about

  • the best techniques from Scrum and Kanban
  • tasks, challenges and opportunities of Agile Project Management

In addition, we will show you how agile project management in your organization can be integrated profitably step by step. You are able

  • to assess the strengths, weaknesses and suitability of traditional project management and agile frameworks 
  • to plan agile projects, set them up, continuously align them to customer requirements 
  • to initiate agility in your organization
    • Fundamentals of agile project management
    • Differences to classic PM methods
    • Agile project management with Scrum
    • Requirements / framework for agile projects
    • Agile project management tools and methods
    • Organization of agile projects in the company
    • Planning and implementation of a Scrum project
Learning / Teaching Methods

Theoretical inputs, visualization, individual, partner and group work, interactive prioritization exercises, exchange of experiences, food for thought through discussions and discussions, learning transfer


Participation Certificate


Germany, China


3 days